Saturday, January 24, 2009

Can of Worms

Okay, I think I've opened up a CAN OF WORMS! My next Doctors appointment is February 11, 2009 and my mother asked if she could go with us (John and I) to find out if we are having a little boy or girl. I told her that it was okay and she is already planning to take off work. John and I went to breakfast this morning with his parents and his mother informed me that if my mother was going, she was going too. I didn't tell her that my mother was going-John did. This sonogram room is the size of a closet I don't know how they will all fit in that little room with me, but if they all want to go with me I guess it will have to work.

This brings me to another concern. My mother has already started in on me about being in the delivery room and cutting the umbilical cord. What is she thinking? I told her I would think about her being in the room, but that John is cutting the umbilical cord. John over heard this conversation and told her it was fine if she wanted to cut the cord. NOW, what do I do if I decide to let my Mom in the room and not John's Mom. WHAT A CAN OF WORMS!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Baby Laughs

I just finshed reading the book Baby Laughs-The Naked Truth About the First Year of Mommyhood by Jenny McCarthy. I would definately suggest every pregnant women read this book. It will have you laughing your A** off not only at what Jenny has to say, but the little drawings along the way. I'll give you one example off the back cover regarding "Losing the Weight" so that you can get an idea about the book. Here it goes, "Great, now I had no excuse. I could no longer get away with, "I'm not fat, I'm pregnant." It was time to face a woman's ugliest reality: looking at her fat. The day I decided to really look in the mirror will unfortunately be burned into the back of my head for the rest of my life. I just wish once in a man's lifetime he could experience what a women has to go through t give birth. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I realized I hadn't looked at my a** yet!"

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Small Apple

2009 is going to be a BIG year for the Boger family. I'm 15 weeks pregnant with our first baby that John has nick named peanut. Peanut is currently the size of a small apple and is growing everyday. The proof is in the pudding (all you need to see is my stomach). We will find out the sex of our sweet baby peanut in about 5 weeks. John and I have been working on the name issue, but can't really decide on anything.