Saturday, January 24, 2009

Can of Worms

Okay, I think I've opened up a CAN OF WORMS! My next Doctors appointment is February 11, 2009 and my mother asked if she could go with us (John and I) to find out if we are having a little boy or girl. I told her that it was okay and she is already planning to take off work. John and I went to breakfast this morning with his parents and his mother informed me that if my mother was going, she was going too. I didn't tell her that my mother was going-John did. This sonogram room is the size of a closet I don't know how they will all fit in that little room with me, but if they all want to go with me I guess it will have to work.

This brings me to another concern. My mother has already started in on me about being in the delivery room and cutting the umbilical cord. What is she thinking? I told her I would think about her being in the room, but that John is cutting the umbilical cord. John over heard this conversation and told her it was fine if she wanted to cut the cord. NOW, what do I do if I decide to let my Mom in the room and not John's Mom. WHAT A CAN OF WORMS!


  1. Goodness! All the moms are trying to be "moms!" My votes for John...he needs to cut the cord.
    I'm excited about Feb. 11...can't wait to hear the news.
    Sharon and I were talking about baby showers this weekend. Once we find out the sex of baby boger then the fun can begin.

  2. Oh Lori... the balancing has just started. I'm having some of the same issues. We are going to have to learn how to put our foot down. (This is easier said than done)

  3. OK, here's my 2 cents....
    John needs to be the one to cut the cord... sometimes mom's forget that are husbands are our "new immediate family".

    OH, and you get to decide who is in the delivery room - that is way to personal for me to have my mother in law in the room, but I am having my mom in the room.

    good luck and try not to stress!!

  4. Can of Worms is right...John Definatly needs to cut the cord as long as he doens't pass out!!! I think it would be special to have both moms in the room...just set your boundries don't be afraid to tell them exactly what you expect of them if they join you and John in this very private yet beautiful experience... The closer to time the better you will be able to judge the upcoming situation (I know i don't have kids yet this is just based off of what I have seen through my own family with my siblings) Love ya, hope it all works out!!!Cat
