Friday, February 20, 2009

BankTravel - Tracy Byrd!!!

Traveling for work really does have its advantages. While attend the BankTravel Conference my first night in Little Rock, AR, I had the privilege of getting to hear Tracy Byrd sing in a very casual setting at the Clinton Presidential Center, then I was able to get his autograph that says, TO: Lori -Love, Tracy Byrd, and Pam (from Huntsville) and I had our picture made with him back at the hotel. He was helping to promote Hot Springs National Park in AR. Some of the songs he performed includes "Watermelon Crawl," "Keeper of the Stars," "I'm from the Country," and "Ten Rounds of Jose Cuervo."

Tracy Byrd performing at the Clinton Center.
My Autograph picture!
Lori, Tracy Byrd, and Pam

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

20 Weeks

After several friends asked to see pictures of my belly, I've decided to post the picture rather than having to e-mail everyone. I hope you all enjoy.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Taking Care of Things

Over the weekend John and I went to stay at my Mom’s and Tommy’s house while they went to look at wedding chapels and chalets in Gatlinburg, TN. They are planning to tie the knot New Year’s Eve at 3pm this year. She called me on Friday night and said that they had picked out a chapel and the next day (Saturday) they would go and look for a chalet for all of us to stay in for New Year’s. I don’t think they had as much look picking out the chalet, because they really don’t know how many family members are coming to the wedding. If you ask me the number seems to be steadily increasing. While staying at my Mom’s we took care of all her animals which consists of 4 dogs, 3 cats, 9 horses plus our baby dog Bruce -you can’t leave him out.

On Thursday night my Mom calls to tell me that my Grandma has been admitted to the hospital. I love my Grandma, but she really drives me crazy. She is a diabetic who refuses to take care of herself, who loves lots of sugar and salt, sleeps all the time, does not exercise, and does not take her medications properly. Well, a long story short, she got an infection in the end of her toe after getting a pedicure, because her body does not heal properly due to the diabetes. If she would just cut the sugar and salt out and start walking she would be way better off. Anyway, according to the doctors she should get to come home on Monday.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


After weeks of wondering we final found out that baby peanut is a boy! We are so excited about the news and can’t wait for these next 20 weeks to be over, so that our baby boy will be here. At the Ultrasound we counted all the body parts including the spine, kidneys, legs, arms, fingers and toes. My mom and John’s mom both went with us to the ultrasound and were laughing and giggling like little kids every time the ultrasound technician moved to another body part. Peanut was sleeping during the ultrasound and didn’t want to wake up at all. He kept his legs closed with his feet behind him until the very end of the ultrasound when I rolled over on my side so that we could get a good look of his little boy part. Here are a few of the pictures:



Monday, February 9, 2009


Oh-My-Gosh, I was sitting at my desk this morning when I felt a flutter in my stomach. I was final able to feel baby peanut move! It was the strangest and the coolest feeling ever. I was so excited when this happened, because I had been concerned that something was wrong after reading all the books that said, you should start to feel your baby move by this point in your pregnancy.

On another note, I have my next sonogram on Wednesday and I'm very excited to find out if peanut is a boy or girl. Most everyone thinks I'm having a boy and seriously only 3 people think I'm having a girl (the doctor, Kayla, and Kay). Either way all I want is a healthy baby.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Search

As you may or may not know my husband John lost his job the week before Christmas due the economic down turn in our economy. THIS SUCKS! He has been looking for a new job for almost 2 months now with no luck. He has searched websites, attend job fairs, looked through classifieds, called friends, family and acquaintances, with no success. It’s like every time he has received a good lead from someone it seems to lead to a dead-end road.

He received one lead from an acquaintance I have through ALFA. He was so excited about this lead, he called about the job, sent his resume, cover letter, and reference letter, called the person who is doing the hiring 2 or 3 times (not the referral person-she answers her telephone). This person never once answered his telephone or returned John’s telephone calls. John has been is sales for many years and the number 1 rule for him is answering and returning phone calls. It makes me wonder if you were using this agent for your insurance if you would ever receive a phone call back, if for some reason you needed to get in touch with him.

This is just one of the several instances that I could tell you about. I hope John’s luck changes pretty quickly because I’m beginning to get a little bit nervous about the whole situation because BABY PEANUT NEEDS DADDY TO GET A JOB.